"I join PTSA because I want to be an integral part of my school community by supporting as much as I can. I want to support the parents who do so much and who spend countless hours on projects, fund raisers and a myriad of other things to benefit students, faculty and the school in general. I join because to do so is to be committed to one's school; it says I believe in this school and the members of this school community."...Ms. Leshnock – WHS English Department
"I join because I see education as three-fold like the trunk and branches of a tree. Obviously, the 'tree' is the student, among the 'branches' are parents and teachers (and so many others coaches, friends, relatives, ministers etc.) To have the 'tree' be sturdy and healthy and truly flourish, the tree needs ALL the branches WORKING TOGETHER for the benefit of the student. The 'working together' is the PTSA. I want to be a part of this so I join."...PTSA Board Member |
Student Services